Talking about needs which are understandable to and valued by all serves as the basis for talking about what matters to people, including what matters interpersonally (which traditionally was thought to require moralistic language to address it). NVC isnt a narrow tool that is just about communication; in some way, its more like developing a meditation practice. Cleantech Communication is uniquely qualified to articulate brand stories that balance complex science and engineering advances with aspirational sustainability goals. However, NVC also questions whether the stories that go along with anger are likely to be trustworthy guides to optimal action, whether it's likely to be optimal to continue in a physiological state that is designed for fighting, and whether it's optimal to express ourselves from that state. I am grateful for the food for thought supplied by your naming these concerns. His experience of anger is apparently quite different from mine; I find when I'm angry that I don't think very clearly, which tells me that I'm anywhere but in my head.". The physiological response suggests that on some level we've made a judgment that fighting might be an appropriate response. His comments came as he spoke to a group of reporters on read more. When Im left waiting I end up feeling frustrated and disrespected. (I notice that sometimes an anger-related emotion might get toned down in the way it is named, e.g., someone feeling furious might say theyre angry and someone feeling angry might say theyre feeling irritated (or irritation?) Join more than 724 000 websites trusting CleanTalk, Anti-Spam Features. "You'd probably feel better if you got off your fat, lazy ass and . So, paradoxically, because of my belief that the world would be better if there were less violence, I feel worried about endorsing conventional patterns of condemning of violence. But, Im confident there was never any desire to have a sense of urgency or Ill die if I dont have this or you have to do this because its a need be associated with what was being talked about. Note to self: There could be value in articulating more explicitly when to use the model." You say "What strikes me most about this practice is that it attempts to hide what we're really feeling from the other person, which seems to me a form of deception. I respectfully disagree. CleanTalk eliminates the need for CAPTCHA, questions&answers and other ways which use complicated communication methods for spam protection on your site. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. Here are some examples of global labels, and how they could be better rendered as specific critiques of behavior instead of character: As MFP put it, the essence of a you message is simply this: Im in pain and you did it to me. And theres usually this subtext: You were bad and wrong for doing it to me. When people slight us, it may be true that they are entirely, or almost entirely, to blame. So, I feel scared, wanting to be safe from moralistic judgments based on standards that I don't understand and wouldn't necessarily agree with. There is a way in which I agree with you, in thinking that NVC misses some opportunities for supporting people in relating to and talking about interpretations more explicitly and skillfully. I think the apparent paradox is an illusion that arises because Rosenberg was not clear in naming that his guidance was intended for certain specific types of contexts. The technical meaning is different (associated with different connotations) than the way the word is commonly used in English. And one of the most important factors in creating and sustaining these warm, intimate relationships is communication. Text. The open question isnt about whether discernment happens and is valuable, but about how it is likely to be useful to express this. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. Would you be willing to let me know, if, now that you possible understand more about NVC, you are still concerned about the things you alluded to above not being shared? So, in my judgment, using the word need when talking to someone who isnt an NVC practitioner is likely to create misunderstandings. This framework offers a reliable basis for seeing beauty and nobility in all people and in every part of our psyche an intellectual framework that, when it is exercised fully, inevitably leads people to experience love and compassion. MFP lay out 10 commandments to follow when youre talking with your significant other. Every day CleanTalk gets information about thousands of new spam IPs/emails and some of these IP are used for card fraud too. I think there is lots of room for more nuanced presentation of this idea, and more nuanced advice about how to apply it in communication. Cleantech Communication supports clients in realizing brand value. With those who do know NVC, its a way of being willing to do more of the work ourselves, and put less of a burden on the other. New Dawn Works is a Yelp advertiser. What days are New Dawn Works open? However, NVC notes some risks in expressing things in this way, and offers guidance as to how one might reduce those risks. The top U.S. and China economic officials held their first face-to-face meeting Wednesday, pledging to improve communication as a way to avoid more serious confrontation during a period of heightened You offer "There's something I'd like to talk to you about. I converse at the level of interpretations much of the time. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said he is against a "clean" debt ceiling increase. 1. Its hard to move forward if you keep rehashing the past; instead, let sleeping dogs lie. And, at the same time, I get stressed when what I expected to have happen doesnt. Too often people resort to a threat as an easy way to resolve things, and will even drop the D word to scare their spouse into compliance. I have an understanding that moralistic language is part of a larger pattern of trying to control people through punishment and reward in ways that tend to disconnect people from their own beneficial intrinsic motivations and inner wisdom, and that moralistic language tends to increase separation between people when some of those involved are cast as being at risk of being seen as morally wrong. Moving away from moralistic judgments is central to NVCs agenda of paradigm change. Or, if the performer believes it when they hear You were great! it means buying into a frame where others get to determine how they feel about what theyve done, and theyll subsequently be more vulnerable to believing it when someone criticizes them, however unfairly. My take on your comparison is that the issues you point to, variously: It all seems valuable to me to engage with. I believe we are connected more deeply when we receive the feelings and needs being expressed rather than the thought." The other person is then free to express their reasons in whatever way is natural for them. There is a place for quasi-ultimatums in a relationship, but they come after youve completely exhausted every attempt to communicate and compromise about the problem in a positive way. I take Dr. Rosenbergs admonitions about thoughts as an invitation to notice when conversing at the level of interpretations isnt getting me where Id like to go, and when that happens, to be willing to drop down to a deeper level of awareness where I feel into what is happening, notice the barriers to open-heartedness, imagine the human aspirations in play, and remember my intention to find a way forward that works for everyone, or at the least, honors my deepest values. Its tragic that a disturbing number of people get introduced to NVC in a way that leads them to imagine that referring to what we need as a tactic for trying to get ones way has something to do with, or could be in integrity with, the practice of NVC. I think NVC encourages us simply to be aware of the ways that they can hurt, especially at times and in certain contexts. The main risk is that, when anger is expressed, the listener is likely to infer the presence of blame and moralistic judgment, and this typically stimulates defensiveness in ways that are likely to interfere with optimal communication. "Used book that is in clean, average condition without any missing pages. Its more about (1) modeling that sort of expression we might be interested in (i.e., one supportive of mutual compassion), (2) signaling that we we are interested in what is going on for the other in a non-blaming way, and (3) making ourselves vulnerable (by offering a guess that could be wrong) rather than asking them to vulnerably reveal themselves without offering any vulnerability of our own. As an NVC practitioner, I dont try to block judgments from happening and I notice and acknowledge them as they arise, but I also dont dwell on them or believe that they are true. I take them as a signal that something needs attending to, and I look at the situation through the lens of (NVC-style) needs, and attend to the needs in play (mine and others). Consider your first example, in which I ask you to buy milk on your way home, and I hear you say you will, and you arrive home without it. Checking in with yourself about your own needs, you realize that your upset is linked to how much it would support ease and comfort in your relationship to have dependability, and trust that each of us will do what we say well do. In some groups of NVC practitioners, when any emotional intensity arises, this can lead to a shift in attention to attend to it which may last long enough to subvert the purpose of the meeting. Readers will likely need to reference the essay,A Comparison of Clean Talk and Nonviolent Communication (NVC),to make sense out of my responses. Its a bit of an odd practice, and requires some practice to do skillfully, but it can be effective. Id like to offer some responses to your essay A Comparison of Clean Talk and Nonviolent Communication (NVC) which a colleague (Miki Kashtan) recently brought to my attention. People often get caught up in believing that their interpretations are true to an extent that leaves them caught in an unhelpful trap. I am surprised by your conclusion that, "Dr. Rosenberg doesn't believe that appreciation is good for the recipient. If that were the case, why would the book contain a whole chapter on offering appreciation? Note to self: Explore uses of the energy of anger that would be compatible with nonviolent aims. This is a matter of sensing what is important to us in a judgment, and finding a new, more satisfying way of thinking about the issue which fully honors what is important to us, and which also honors the humanity of everyone involved. Instead, he offers to say, 'I am fearful of the use of violence to resolve conflicts; I value the resolution of human conflicts through other means. I think Rosenberg is trying to disrupt the well-worn mental grooves that eventually lead to condemnation. NVC has some practices, related to connecting to needs that can sometimes release people from these traps. "Maybe if you were more of a man, you'd be able to handle this.". The main risk is that, when anger is expressed, the listener is likely to infer the presence of blame and moralistic judgment, and this typically stimulates defensiveness in ways that are likely to interfere with optimal communication. I recommend to my NVC students that they not use the word need when attempting to speak using NVC, to help avoid this pitfall. There is a topic in NVC called connection requests, which unfortunately isnt addressed in the book you read. And, you offer an example of how the principle might have attended to both. If so, I too want those concerns to be given weight. It doesn't seem to occur to either the principal or Dr. Rosenberg that the goal of attending the meeting need not be summarily dropped in favor of spending an unspecified length of time with the student, that the situation might be a both/and rather than an either/or." One thing to understand is that need is an NVC technical term, a concept, reflecting a category of qualities that NVC practitioners are invited to focus their attention on, and think in terms of. This framework is less tied to coercive associations with there being one right/objective perspective, and with searching for who to give social approval to and who to punish with disapproval. / Clean Talk suggests that a word ending in "ed" is subtly suggesting that something outside of us is doing something to us, and that therefore we are not taking full ownership of what we feel and perhaps even accusing someone of something harmful.. You say "Dr. Rosenberg equates anger with the desire to find fault; he writes that anger 'indicates that we have moved up to our head to analyze and judge somebody' (p.143). And, I have occasionally had experiences of people making concrete requests in ways that did seem to narrow the conversation to a limited set of options in a way I didnt enjoy. . They leak out and stalk the conversation until they find a way to intrude I largely agree with this as the consequence of attempt[ing] to hide our judgments. But, its important to say that hiding judgments is not what NVC advises. That is, if your partner is unwilling to meet your needs, create a plan to meet those needs yourself, but dont do so in a way thats specifically designed to punish your partner. But in assailing someones very identity, youre issuing a global label a blanket condemnation of who they are at the core; they dont just do bad stuff, they are a bad person. There is no guidance in NVC that says we should not think, or should not discern, assess, make value judgements, try to sense, etc. Under other circumstances, I willingly share interpretations. But, it could happen, so I value the possibility being named. To keep things amicable, adopt an open, rather than closed posture. Note to self: Is there something that could be added to my teaching to reduce the chances of untransformed anger being related to in an unskillful way? In this type of talk, I think Rosenberg had a sense that most people tend towards far more focus on head than on heart, to the detriment of their connection with others. Remember when I spent all weekend cleaning the house before your folks arrived and you never even said thank you?, Its always the same damned thing with you. What NVC is concerned about, in part, is the dynamic of sabotaging self-trust that can get set up when we assume that there is an objective truth about what is good and bad and that we are able to deliver authoritative judgments about this goodness/badness. Id like for us to be more committed as a couple and to know what you think about the future of our relationship [Needs]., Just as a partial message can be misconstrued, so too can a contaminated message. Something acts as an NVC-style need if it draws attention to something that is wanted in a way that people are likely to have sympathy for and find understandable, and at a level of abstraction that supports flexibility in thinking about possible ways of addressing it. Your Clean Talk examples provides a context that can soften this response but one can go further towards communicating in a way that is even less likely to stimulate defensiveness. One example of this is that excess focus on thinking can be risky at times, in the relational realm, but abstract thought is essential to teaching. Note to self: Explore how it might look to express two different levels of meaning in NVC. CleanTalk plugin sends action parameters into the CleanTalk cloud. Convenient registration/commenting forms increase the number of registrations. To be rigorous, one could ask Would you be able and willing to? or Would it work for you to? Anyway, this point seems to me to be about nuances of wording rather than assumptions that are inherently present in a request. I thought to myself, That's a telling question that reveals a confusion of boundaries." (NVC, p.110). This doesnt mean you have to pretend your significant other is not at fault when they are, it just means you use language that says the same thing in a different way couching your message so that it actually has a chance to surmount their psychological walls and reach their brain. Without proper communication, things in our lives can go haywire very quickly. Podcast #862: Heal the Body With Extended Fasting, Podcast #761: How Testosterone Makes Men, Men, How Saunas Can Help Save Your Body, Mind, and Spirit, Podcast #852: The Brain Energy Theory of Mental Illness, The Insanely Difficult Standards of Historys Hardest P.E. This is likely to take some processing. A while ago, a colleague brought to my attention aessay comparing a communication practice called "Clean Talk" with Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in quite some detail. To be honest, it seems like women do this more than men (sorry ladies), perhaps because theyre often less comfortable being assertive. The composite examples do not, for me, fit together (a) in ways that make sense, and (b) offer examples of what Rosenberg is recommending. As alluded to above, I think you are severely misinterpreting NVC's stance on "praise and compliments." There are some things that Rosenberg spoke about with less precision than I would like, and anger is one of them. ", You say "Despite his expressed dislike for thinking in general and for judgments in particular, I see Dr. Rosenberg suggesting that an NVC user make an extraordinary number of judgments, to divine the needs of ourselves and others, to respond to the "deeper meanings" beneath another person's words (p.9), to sense the other person's reality (p.97), and, when a request is refused, to guess what the other person is feeling or needing.". To the contrary, Rosenberg was fond of encouraging people to "enjoy the jackal show," i.e., to accept and watch the stream of judgments that flow through our consciousness. Resurrecting old beefs will ratchet up the intensity of your discussion, and will invariably send it off in a different direction and away from resolving the original issue. Regarding hurt and injured I agree that these are risky in that they can be held as implying an agent who caused these. I'm guessing that, implicitly, you have some criteria about what type of things that we do in our minds rise to a level of importance that not sharing them would be a concern for you. It's called the "Clean Buildings, Clean Air" ordinance. It helps fuel the body with vitamins and minerals, supports maintaining blood sugar levels, and adds crucial nutrition and lifestyle shifts to keep hormonal peace. Real-Voice technology provides speech playback at a high audio quality. People are understood as having powerful intrinsic motivation to contribute to life and to one anothers well-being, which can blossom when these impulses are not being dampened by a coercive milieu. This could equally well be an example of NVC. Free US Delivery | ISBN:1524916137. It may be helpful to review what I said above about what the technical term need refers to in NVC. Thanks for reaching out! | CleanTalk is a SaaS spam protection service for Web sites. I agree that sharing interpretations doesn't always hurt, and I dont advocate never sharing them. In so doing, MFP write, your partner can hear what youre feeling without being overwhelmed or bludgeoned by it. Here are some examples: Even more than what we say, our body language conveys how were actually feeling. If I were to ask someone Why did you say no? there is a high risk that the listener will think I am looking for ammunition to use to do battle with them, and theyre liable to respond defensively. Yelling, sarcasm, insults, and name-calling undermine trust. In my judgment, hiding what you're doing is a form of deception, and deception is a form of violence." I don't have a sense that this is a problem that commonly arises in the ways that people try to put NVC into practice, but I would be interested to learn if it occurs more commonly than I'm currently aware of. The result highly resilient work partnerships that produce positive performance. Clean communication means keeping your voice as close to your normal tone and volume as possible. As far as moralistic judgments go I dont entirely agree with the premise that we cant stop making [moralistic] judgments." Is it that?". I'm tired of your perpetual 'poor me' attitude." "Maybe if you were more of a man, you'd be able to handle this." "You'd probably feel better if you got off your fat, lazy ass and finally did something about it." Is there a second-level want that it would be beneficial to express? In writing the person off as incorrigible, you also essentially absolve yourself of any responsibility for your issues as a couple: We wouldnt have this problem if you werent so selfish.. I feel grateful to have this issue be named, because I think that it is a factor that often gets in the way of the intended fruits of NVC being fully realized, often even among those who think themselves proficient at NVC. It can be installed on glass or plexiglas window, doors and thick walls. Note to self: Think more about what practices related to sharing interpretations I think would complement NVC, and how these might relate to the core practice. Loving relationships are the most important factor in a mans happiness, success, and ability to live a fully flourishing life. Boeing will work with NASA to "build, test, and fly a full-scale demonstrator aircraft and validate technologies aimed at lowering emissions," the agency said. highlight potential weaknesses or limitations in NVC that I also have concerns about and/or where I find your perspective clarifying or intriguing; don't reflect NVC as I understand it, but rather reflect deficiencies in the way that NVC was presented to you (which does reflect ways others might also misunderstand/misapply NVC); offer things to think about and reflect on further; miss awareness of what NVC uniquely offers that is likely absent from Clean Talk. You write "I believe judgment makes it possible for us to grow emotionally and spiritually by allowing us to distinguish how we act from how we wish to act. In NVC, this process is supported through the naming of needs, which are essentially values that we want to live into. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. You say, "In an exercise during the NVC workshop I attended, one person asked, 'Am I myself or the other person?' I notice that tired doesnt have clear non -ed alternatives there is exhausted but that has an -ed, and sleepy doesnt mean the same thing. Also, expressing two different levels of "wants" may help "connect the dots" regarding the meaning one is making out of a situation, in a way that expressing only one level (even if it is at a deep "need" level) might not. This clarifies that we interested in understanding, not in blaming and doing battle. As you discuss whats bothering you, describe your emotions as specifically as possible. ), All of these concepts involve discernment, or determination of what it makes sense to believe. I think that is both unnecessary and unwise." Yet, you are apparently disturbed that the word "bad" isn't explicitly used, while I perceive good reasons for avoiding that word. What we say makes total sense to us, because we have the entire context of it in our heads. You then quote Chapman Flack saying of watching Rosenberg "The effect is a curious picture of a man adroitly doing very fine, attentive thinking while insisting that it's not the thing to do.". Yes, making beliefs explicit and expressing them, can help with this but I wonder if there is support for realizing the tendency towards beliefs to be unduly limiting in the experiences they allow us to access? You may tell your significant other that youre not angry and are willing to talk things through, but if your posture and facial expressions say otherwise, they will assuredly pick up on it. They are the judgments that go into formulating what will be expressed. For the record, I think that one can in NVC express anger as one would any other emotion (and doing so might sound fairly similar to your Clean Talk examples). But, over time, we build up trust that there are alternatives to moralistic judgments, and we more naturally are able to go straight to a new way of relating to things. You write, "It seems to me that when a person using NVC refers to a need, he/she is making a judgment as if that judgment is an uncontested fact. Not at all there is no assertion that This is a need. Ideally, nothing is overtly labeled a need, any more than a musician, when playing a note, would say out loud this is a C-sharp. Its simply a concept to guide the practitioner in choosing what to do. Folding your arms, tensing your jaw, squinting, looking disgusted, balling up your fists, fidgeting in an irritated way, and rolling your eyes are all behaviors that make you seem closed off, hostile, and unwilling to communicate. Especially when it comes to communicating with women, you would be surprised how a cutting tone of voice can make them feel almost physically hurt. What is skillful around duration of speaking or listening depends on context. 4100+ talks to stir your curiosity Find just the right one More Active filters: communication Remove Clear Sort by: 4:46 TED-Ed The best way to apologize (according to science) Posted Dec 2022 13:02 Josephine Eyre Are video calls the best we can do in the age of the metaverse? It's that role that Rosenberg tries to draw people's attention to. In: It contributes in an enlivening way to my own explorations of communication. It is presumed that it is necessary to motivate people extrinsically, and that it makes sense to coerce people to do things that they dont intrinsically want to do. I think the section you referenced to come to this conclusion might be better summarized as Dr. By way of evidence that NVC's approach to anger can lead to profound transformations, I'd like to mention a domestic violence intervention programthat is based on Nonviolent Communication achieved a zero-percent recidivism rate (after 5 years) among convicted batterers, where the best conventional intervention program for this demographic is said to lead to around 40 percent recidivism. Do you really think thats a good idea?. CleanTalk compiles own database of spam IPs and Emails Database. You say, "It's my belief that anger and other emotions are signals to let us know what's happening around us." Need is also the component that is most easily misunderstood. Note to self: Ive seldom seen this taught formally. The Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition says buildings that burn natural gas account for about two-thirds of harmful carbon emissions in Chicago. I'm feeling irritated, wanting logic that I can make sense of, especially when I hear that logic coupled to words I interpret as suggesting the violation of values I hold dear. Your visitors are more loyal and not annoyed guessing characters or puzzles. More like developing a meditation practice meaning is different ( associated with different connotations ) than the thought. spoke! Judgments. I would like, and ability to live a fully flourishing.. Your comparison is that the issues you point to, variously: it contributes an! An open, rather than assumptions that are inherently present in a mans happiness success! You were great relationships is communication practice clean talk communication do skillfully, but it can be installed glass. Express their reasons in whatever way is natural for them more than 724 websites... 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